(Download) National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) Exam Paper - 2011
(Download) National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) Exam Paper - 2011
Exam Name: National Entrance Screening Test (NEST)
Year: 2011
General Instructions
1. This question booklet contains 5 sections, with mark distribution as follows
2. Section 1 is a General section and is compulsory.
3. Sections 2 to 5 are subject sections (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics). Choose any three. That is, omit any one of the four subject sections.
4. Carefully read and follow the instructions given in each section.
5. Answers to the questions are to be marked in the Answer Sheet provided.
6. Ensure that you have received Answer Sheet A.
7. Rough work should be done on the space provided at the end of the question paper. If necessary extra sheets will be provided.
8. Return the Answer Sheet to the invigilator at the end of the examination.
9. Calculators, log tables, cell phones, etc. are not permitted in the examination hall.
Instructions for writing on Answer Sheet
1. Read and follow the instructions given on the Answer Sheet.
2. Write your name, roll number and other required information with ball point pen in the appropriate boxes provided. Sign your name with ball point pen in the box provided.
3. Your roll number (given on the admit card) must be entered correctly. If entered wrongly or not entered, the Answer Sheet WILL not be graded.
4. In the remaining part of Answer Sheet use HB pencil only as instructed. Make sure that the bubbles are filled properly (as shown in Answer Sheet).
5. Each question has four options. Fill the appropriate bubble(s). Some questions (as specified in the question paper) have more than one correct option.
6. Ensure that you are filling up the bubbles corresponding to correct sections.
7. Fill in the answers only when you are sure that you do not need to change the answer. As far as possible, avoid erasing the answer. In case you have to erase the answer, do so properly so that there is no black spot inside the bubble.
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Courtesy: NEST