(Exam Pattern) CMC Vellore Entrance Test

(Exam Pattern) CMC Vellore Entrance Test

Exam Pattern:

Subject Number of questions Time duration
Physics 60 120 minutes
Chemistry 60
Biology 60
General ability section I 60 50 minutes
General ability section II 60 20 minutes

A Computer-Based test consisting of multiple choice questions is conducted in English (see examples at the end). Each question will have five possible answers. Your task will be to select the one best answer to each question. There will be ONLY ONE CORRECT ANSWER to each question. For the degree courses (MBBS, BSc Nursing & Allied Health Science Degree Courses) there are 60 questions each in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (120 minutes total time). This is followed by 120 questions in General Ability including Speed and Accuracy and also a few questions on issues of current topical interest.

The 120 question in General Ability will be in two sections.

  • Section I will have 60 questions to be answered in 50 minutes
  • Section II will have 60 questions to be answred in 20 minutes.

The duration of whole examination will be 3 hours and 10 minutes.

Exam pattern for other courses:

  • For the Diploma courses, the examination consists of 25 questions each in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and 15 questions in General ability. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.
  • For other courses where a background in science is not required, the non-science paper will have 90 questions including English, General Ability, speed and accuracy and a few questions on issues of current topical interest. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.
  • For courses which require a special paper, there will be 90 questions pertaining to that particular subject. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.

Courtesy: cmc vellore

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